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Who We Are...































Not so long ago, I felt like I was making someone else money. No matter how hard I worked, I just wasn’t seeing the returns I wanted in my bank account. From positions as a car salesman to running a construction company, I was working hard, but not smart.


Truth is, I wanted to be successful. I wanted to work hard and see my blood, sweat, and tears reflected in my paycheck. I wanted to not only be able to provide for my family, but spoil them like they deserved. I knew I had to do something differently if I wanted to go from paycheck to paycheck to living the life I dreamed of living.


My life changed the day I ran into my old friend Troy Miles. He introduced me to not only the insurance business, but the spark I was desperately seeking. It all seemed too good to be true, but it wasn’t. I could finally take charge of my destiny. I took and passed the state insurance exam within five days of that meeting, and have since doubled my income every year that I’ve been in the business. I went from making a modest $47,000 per year to a level of financial security I couldn’t have dreamed of five years ago. As the manager of the Elite Insurance, I’m proud to now oversee a team of more than 40 agents, all of who are on their way of achieving their own personal and professional goals too.


Don't get me wrong. This isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. You get what you put in working in this business. But, if you work hard, stay focused, and never settle, you can have the career and life you’ve always dreamed of having. 


If Troy and I can do it, so can you. And we want you for our team. We hope you’ll join us and finally find your way towards the success you’ve dreamed of and deserve.


Terrell Eberhardt

Elite Insurance Team

A part of The Miles Group, an agency with Lincoln Heritage Life Insurance Company

© 2015 by Elite Insurance Team, a part of The Miles Group, an agency with Lincoln Heritage Life Insurance Company.


All rights reserved.

5345 Triangle Lane | Export, PA 15632


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